School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Opportunity for Studies During the Winter Semester of the Academic Year 2024-25 for two(2) Undergraduate or Post-graduate Students of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki at the Beihang University, China


Within the framework of the existing Scientific Cooperation Agreement between AUTH and Beihang University, China, the Department of International Relations has received information from the Chinese collaborating university regarding the opportunity for undergraduate or postgraduate students from AUTH to study during the winter semester of the academic year 2024-25. Further details can be found in the attached file.


Students selected for this program will be exempted from tuition fees and will be responsible for covering the costs of travel expenses, accommodation in student residence (approximately €125/month), food (approximately €4/day), and medical insurance (€60 one-time fee).


Interested candidates should complete the application form ( by March 6, 2024. The International Relations Committee will use an algorithm to select the two most outstanding students, and their applications along with supporting documents will be forwarded to Beihang University.


For additional information or clarifications, interested parties can contact:

Ms. Sofia Logothetis-Manoliadou

Department of International Relations

Tel.: 2310 995307 (working days, 8:30 – 14:30)


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