Τμήμα Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών & Μηχανικών Υπολογιστών

Ανακοίνωση διοργάνωσης Θερινού σχολείου στο Strasbourg University της Γαλλίας (17 – 29 Ιουνίου 2024)/Announcement for the realization of a Summer school at Strasbourg University, France (June 17 – 29, 2024)

Ενημέρωση για  τη διοργάνωση θερινού Σχολείου την περίοδο 17-29 Ιουνίου 2024, από το Strasbourg University της Γαλλίας .

Information about the realization of a Summer School in the period 17-29 June 2024, from Strasbourg University, France,


Dear Partner,

Warm greetings from the International Relations Office of the University of Strasbourg, France!

We are pleased to inform you that the call for applicants for the European Summer School 2024, which will take place from June 17 – 29, 2024 has been published.

Please find more details below.

This Summer School explores the European Identity: Past, Present and Future.

Strasbourg is located in the very heart of Europe and is home to several major European Institutions. Numerous initiatives for European youth also take place in our city (European Youth Event, European Movement France, Young Europeans France, etc.). As a result, Strasbourg embodies fundamental European values, and we are thrilled to share them with your students.

This Summer School brings together academic courses scheduled in the morning and cultural activities in the afternoon, with a focus on Europe and a hint of “French touch”.

The program is open to both undergraduate and graduate students, with all courses taught in English.

A certificate of attendance will be issued to participants.

  • Format: In person
  • Language: English
  • Early bird fee: €1.200 per participant (accomodation included) – UNTIL APRIL 19!
  • Regular fee: €1.300 per participant (accomodation included)
  • How to apply: Please fill in this form

Please find more information about the European Summer School in Strasbourg here.


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