RUDN University Space Week

Dear colleagues!

On behalf of RUDN University, we are honoured to invite you to take part in the 4th RUDN University Space Week. The event is dedicated to the World Space Week and will take place October 7-10, 2024 in online format on the bases of MTS-link platform.

The aim of the Week is to inspire youth to learn different aspects of space science and technology, space law and policy, to educate the public about space activities, and to promote international cooperation in space outreach and education.

The format of the Week includes series of lectures and Q&A sessions from experts in international space law, as well related space science and technologies.

The working language of the event is English.

The theme of the 2024 event is “Space and Climate Change”.

Among the outstanding participants and partners of the event are considered to be representatives of International Organization of Space Communications “Intersputnik”, Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), State Organization “Gagarin Research & Test Cosmonaut Training Center”, CIS Executive Committee, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, JSC “Russian Space Systems”, Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, SR Space, Gravitation and Cosmology Training and Research Institute (RUDN University), EgSA-Egyptian Space Agency, Steward Observatory, Islamic Azad University, Centre of Comparative Law at Shenzhen MSU-BIT University (SMBU), etc.

Presentations and speeches are expected from:

– Anna Kikina – Hero of the Russian Federation, pilot-cosmonaut of the Russian Federation

– Efremov Alexander – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Director of the Institute of Gravitation and Cosmology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, RUDN University

– Mikhail Myskin, Director of the Department of Economic Cooperation of the CIS Executive Committee

– Denis Kravchenko, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy.

– Richard Green, astronomer and Assistant Director of Government Relations at Steward Observatory, Chairman of the International Astronomical Union’s Working Group on Lunar Astronomy;

– Marcia Alvarenga, Head of International Cooperation, Brazilian Space Agency (AEB)

– Hassan Abusead, Head of the Frequency Coordination Division of the Egyptian Space Agency.

– and many others

Join the world of space together with RUDN University!

Draft of the program is attached.

Oct. 1, 2024 RUDN University Space Week Programme 2024

The registration at the event on the link:

Asiyat Ibragimova
Specialist in international affairs
Law Institute of RUDN University

WhatsApp +79963282233

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